Democratic Consortium Message No. 9 July 8

Moral Monday – Join the Swelling Numbers of People to Hear the Numbers on Medicaid Rejection, Unemployment Benefit Cuts, Tax “Reform” and What It Will Cost You.

Come out July 8 and tell the heartless, backsliding legislature what you think.

As if it wasn’t a bad enough bill already, the cowardly, “government knows what is best for women” legislature has snuck reactionary abortion restrictions onto an already ridiculous “Sharia Law” bill.

Touted as questionable health safety measures, the provisions mirror regressive efforts in some other states that are clearly designed to make it financially difficult to provide abortion services.

The arguments supporting the need for these measures are so weak that they were slipped into a pre-existing bill with no notice and little opportunity for debate.

Will Governor McCrory keep his campaign promise not to sign any bill that restricts access to abortions? Given that it is questionable who is actually in charge we doubt it (see below)?

When did we elect Art Pope Governor?

Buying the Courts in North Carolina — Lobbyist, Republican mega donor, and State Budget Director Art Pope single-handedly killed judicial public financing.

Democratic, Republican, and Independent voters strongly favor public campaign financing for judicial elections.  The voters get it, but apparently not the GOP legislators.  How did these guys ever get in office?

And what does McCrory have to say? Not much.

The Injustice Report: If our Judges are indebted to big-money donors will they feel obligated to rule in favor of the donors’ agendas? The bought and paid for legislature wants the judiciary to follow suit.

Would these agendas include thwarting challenges to any of big-money’s pet causes? Maybe pushing along executions now that the Racial justice Act has been repealed? Maintaining public funding of private schools? Redistricting? Voting rights?

“The founders realized there has to be someplace where being right is more important than being popular or powerful, and where fairness trumps strength. And in our country, that place is supposed to be the courtroom.” Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

And have you seen the strong-arm tactic of Art Pope and Civitas in an attempt to silence North Carolina citizens involved in the Moral Monday protests?  — straight out of the George Wallace playbook of the segregated south — To what else will the Republicans resort?

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